Local Option Elections

Local Liquor Option Elections - In General

Local liquor option elections allow registered voters to vote on the question of whether, and to what extent, alcohol sales and consumption will be allowed within a particular area, usually a precinct. Local liquor option elections can specify certain types of alcohol that may be made available within that precinct and whether the alcohol may be consumed on-premises only, off-premises only, or both on- and off-premises (R.C. 4301.32).


Guide to Local Liquor Option Elections

This book was prepared to comply with section 3501.05(P) of the Revised Code of Ohio, which requires the Secretary of State to publish instructions describing how to petition for any local liquor option election involving the sale of intoxicating liquor or beer.

The procedures and requirements for preparing and filing a valid local liquor option petition are outlined in these pages. Petition forms may be obtained from either a county board of elections or a publisher of legal forms.


Local Liquor Option Forms

(Forms 5-A thru 5-T) Petition forms are also available through the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections Cashier.


Division of Liquor Control Website

You may find more information on local options online by visiting the Ohio Department of Commerce’s Division of Liquor Control website.


If you have any questions regarding any of the information contained on this page call Candidate & Petition Services Department of the Board of Elections.


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