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Election Day Positions
Voting Location Manager (VLM)
The VLM in conjunction with the Voting Location Deputy oversees all activities at the Polling Location, from arrival at the Monday Night Organizational Meeting, until the last person leaves the Polling Location on Election Night.
Voting Location Manager (VLM) full job description
Voting Location Deputy (VLD)
The Voting Location Deputy in conjunction with the Voting Location Manager oversees all activities at the Polling Location. The VLD also serves as the lead worker at the Voter Assistance Table (Provisional Voters).
Voting Location Deputy (VLD) full job description
Precinct Election Officials (PEO)
A Precinct Election Official’s primary function is to ensure that the Election Process is handled in an orderly, professional, and lawful manner by performing all duties assigned by the VLM of the Polling Location.
Precinct Election Official (PEO) full job description
Bilingual Precinct Election Officials (PEOST)
A Bilingual Precinct Election Official’s primary function is to ensure that the Election Process is handled in an orderly, professional, and lawful manner by performing all duties assigned by the VLM of their polling location. A PEOST is also responsible for translating voting instructions and providing assistance to Spanish-speaking voters with limited English proficiency.
Bilingual Precinct Election Official (PEOST) full job description
Election Substitute Official (ESO)
The Election Substitute Official’s primary function is to report to a Polling Location as needed to replace an absent PEO on Election Day. Must be able and willing to travel throughout Cuyahoga County.
Election Substitute Official (ESO) full job description
Rover / Drop-off Captain (DOC)
Rovers/Drop-Off Captains travel to various polling locations to assess and assist with problems related to the voting process, safeguard sensitive documents and supplies, and deliver election-related materials to the polling locations, among other duties.
Rover / Drop-off Captain (DOC) full job description
Drop-off Assistant (DOA)
The Drop-Off Assistant helps the Drop-Off Captain in fulfilling duties, loads and unloads supplies from PEOs and ballot-transportation vehicles, and performs all other duties as assigned.
Drop-off Assistant (DOA) full job description
Election Transport Official (ETO)
Election Transport Officials are essential to help maintain political balance on Election Day. They ride with law enforcement officials to and from drop-off locations and the Board of Elections warehouse to deliver ballots and other election materials on the evening of Election Day.
Election Transport Official (ETO) full job description