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Voting Options

You can vote before Election Day by applying for a Vote-by-Mail/Absentee ballot. Military and overseas voters can vote this way too.
Learn how to Vote-by-MailVote Early In-Person
Anyone registered to vote in Ohio and living in Cuyahoga County can come in to the Board of Elections and vote at the scheduled times.
Learn how to Vote Early In-PersonVote on Election Day
Anyone registered to vote in Ohio can vote at their assigned polling location on Election Day. See what you might need on Election Day.
Learn more about voting on Election DayRegister to Vote/Update Your Address
To register to vote or to update your address, please use one of the following options below:
- Ohio Driver License or State ID number
- Name
- Date of birth
- Address
- Last four digits of your Social Security number

Mail the completed Voter Registration/Update Address Form to the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections.
- Registration Department
- 2925 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115-2497
This must be postmarked by 30 days before an election in order to be eligible to vote, or call and request one to be mailed to you.
216-443-VOTE (8683)
Voters can register to vote or update their address in person at any Board of Elections office in the state of Ohio. Other locations to vote or update your address in person include libraries, license bureaus, public schools, and other county government agencies.
Completed Voter Registration Cards can be returned to these same locations. The Cuyahoga County Board of Elections has a 24-hour securely monitored Drop Box in the parking lot.
- Cuyahoga County Board of Elections
- 2925 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115
Additional Voter Resources
Voters wishing to cancel their voter registration, please complete, sign, and mail the Voter Registration Cancellation Form to the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections Registration Department
Voter Registration Cancellation FormVoters wishing to notify and cancel the registration of a deceased family member, please complete, sign, and mail the Notice of Death of a Registered Voter (Form No. 255-D) to the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections Registration Department
Notice of Death of a Registered Voter (Form No. 255-D)- Cuyahoga County Board of Elections Registration Department
- 2925 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115
Get directions
Under Ohio election law, you declare your political party affiliation by requesting the ballot of a political party in a partisan primary election.
If you do not desire to affiliate with a political party in Ohio, you are considered to be an unaffiliated voter. An unaffiliated voter does not vote the ballot of a political party in a primary election. However, an unaffiliated voter may vote the Official Questions & Issues Ballot, if there is one for the voter's precinct at the election. An unaffiliated voter can vote for a candidate of any political party in a General Election.
More information can be found in the Election Official Manual published by the Ohio Secretary of State.
Download Chapter on Party AffiliationIn order to change the name on your voter registration, you will need to complete a Voter Registration and Information Update Form. Name changes cannot be processed online per the Secretary of State, but you can find the form as well as additional information regarding this process on the Secretary of State's website.
Click here to view SOS Name Change Page- Beginning April 7th, 2023, any person 17 and over who applies for and receives a state ID card from the BMV will receive it for free.
- New law deems a state ID card as the primary form of photo ID for a person who does not hold any type of driver license or whose driver license is suspended.
- Visit the Ohio BMV website, Ohio ID Card section (link below), for details on identity documents that are acceptable to provide proof of the following:
- Full legal name
- Date of birth
- Social Security number (if ever assigned)
- Legal presence
- Ohio residency
- To receive a state ID card, you must visit a deputy registrar license agency in Ohio. Below are the agencies located in Cuyahoga County:
- Bedford - 22125 Rockside Road, Bedford, OH 44146 (Click here to see full Bedford location details)
- Brooklyn - 7000 Biddulph Road, Brooklyn, Ohio 44144 (Click here to see full Brooklyn location details)
- Cleveland
- 8039 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44103 (Click here to see full Euclid Ave, Cleveland location details)
- 3345 Edgecliff Terrace, Cleveland, Ohio 44111 (Click here to see full Edgecliff Terrace, Cleveland location details)
- 2765 East 55th Street, Suite 4, Cleveland, Ohio 44104 (Click here to see full East 55th Street, Cleveland location details)
- Cleveland Heights - 2173 South Taylor Road, Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118 (Click here to see full Cleveland Heights location details)
- Independence - 6901 Rockside Road, Suite 17, Independence, Ohio 44131 (Click here to see full Independence location details)
- Mayfield Heights - 1593 Golden Gate Plaza, Mayfield Heights, Ohio 44124 (Click here to see full Mayfield Heights location details)
- North Olmstead - 26642 Brookpark Road Extension, North Olmsted, Ohio 44070 (Click here to see full North Olmstead location details)
- North Royalton - 12771 State Road, North Royalton, Ohio 44133 (Click here to see full North Royalton location details)
- Parma - 12000 Snow Road, Suite 12, Parma, Ohio 44130 (Click here to see full Parma location details)
- Parma Heights - 6339 Olde York Road, Suite 1, Parma Heights, Ohio 44130 (Click here to see full Parma Heights location details)
- Shaker Heights - 16945 Chagrin Boulevard, Shaker Heights, Ohio 44120 (Click here to see full Shaker Heights location details)
- Strongsville - 12218 Pearl Road, Strongsville, Ohio 44136 (Click here to see full Strongsville location details)
Click here to view the Ohio BMV website, Ohio ID card section
Click here to view information on securing an Ohio ID (palm card)
Safe at Home is an address confidentiality program available to victims of domestic violence, stalking, human trafficking, rape or sexual battery.
Ohio law provides that peace officers, parole officers, federal law enforcement officers, probation officers, bailiffs, prosecuting attorneys, assistant prosecuting attorneys, correctional employees, youth services employees, firefighters, EMTs, or investigators of the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation may redact their home addresses from public databases.
Voter Resources
Get Your Voting Information- Your City, Ward, and Precinct
- Current polling location
- Sample ballots for your precinct
- What districts you live in
- Your declared Political Party Affiliation
Track Your Vote-by-Mail Ballot
Check Your Voter Registration
Find Voting Information by Address
Get a Sample Ballot
Election Integrity Center
Changes to Ohio Voting Laws
Accessible (ADA) Voting Services