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Vote on Election Day
The polls are open on Election Day from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Bring Acceptable Identification
You only need to provide one (1) of the acceptable forms of ID listed below.
These must show your name and have a valid expiration date
An Ohio driver license (A digital ID, such as driver license in Apple Wallet, is not an acceptable form of photo ID for voting)
An Ohio state ID card
An interim identification form issued by the Bureau of Motor Vehicles
A U.S. passport or passport card
A U.S. military ID card, Ohio National Guard ID card, or U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs ID card (that includes the voter's name and photograph)
A voter presenting an Ohio driver license or Ohio ID card that shows voter’s former address is permitted to cast a regular ballot so long as the voter’s current residential address has been updated with the Board and appears in the official poll list of registered voters for that precinct.
Voters who do not provide any ONE of these forms of acceptable ID at the polling location may still cast a provisional ballot. Those voters will have four days after Election Day to appear at the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections to show an acceptable ID.
Click here for more information on valid forms of identification
Click here to learn more about how to acquire a free State ID
What is a Provisional Ballot?
A provisional ballot is used to record a vote if a voter’s eligibility is in question. The most common reasons for someone to vote provisionally is because they did not update their current address, they did not bring ID to the polls, or they may have requested an Absentee ballot.
The voter is given their precinct ballot to vote but it is cast ‘provisionally’ until election officials at the Board can verify the voter’s eligibility to vote in the particular precinct in that election. All validly cast provisional ballots are counted in the Official Count of each election.
Download the Provisional Ballot Notice (Form 12-H) Learn more about Provisional VotingYour Voter Information
- Your city, ward, and precinct
- Current polling location
- Sample ballot for your precinct
- What districts you live in