Welcome to the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections 

Attention Cleveland Residents: The Board of Elections has completed processing ward and precinct boundary adjustments for Cleveland to reflect a reduction in the number of wards in the city from 17 to 15. This includes adjustments to polling location assignments. The information listed in the Voter Resources tools on the Board’s website is now current and accurate. All Cleveland voters will receive correspondence of the changes in the mail.
An image of "Ohio Voted" stickers
Voters Page

From how to register or update your registration, information on different voting options, and other helpful tools, find all your voter resources here.

See Voters Page
Male using the Board of Elections website with his phone
Election How-To Videos

Have questions about the voting process? We have put together some short "how-to" videos on various aspects from Registering online, voting by mail, and more.

See Election How-To Videos
Election Integrity Center

Our Election Integrity Series and Rumor Control Center focus on providing accurate information and debunking misinformation to ensure public trust in the electoral process

See Election Integrity Center

Upcoming Events